Client Engagement

Authorise ProAction Labs to act on your behalf to remove damaging online content.

Appointing ProAction Labs as agent:
I authorise ProAction Labs 51 Bracken Road, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin 18 D18 CV48. (henceforth PAL), as agent, to:

  1. Act on my behalf to draft and submit ‘Right to be Forgotten’applications under GDPR Article 17 to the three primary search engines, (Google, Bing and Yahoo) and to deal with all related communications on my behalf.
  2. Draft and submit follow-up complaints to the Irish Data Protection Commission, or other relevant Data Protection Authority, if required, and to and to deal with all related communications on my behalf.
  3. Make direct approaches to publishers, webhosting companies and platforms, to request deletion, anonymisation, the addition of ‘NoIndex’tags or for corrections to be made, if considered appropriate by PAL and at PAL’s sole discretion, and to deal with all related communications on my behalf.
  4. Draft and submit follow-up complaints to applicable regulators, if considered appropriate by PAL and at PAL’s sole discretion, and to deal with all related communications on my behalf.
  5. Perform any additional work identified to remove (deindex) articles, images and links that are having a detrimental effect on my life, from search engine results pages, and under the terms of this service agreement, and to deal with all related communications on my behalf.

Data Protection:
I consent to PAL: 

  1. Processing and storing my personal information regarding past events, convictions and related matters.
  2. Sharing my personal information, solely for purposes associated with the deindexation of search engine links and the removal of articles, images, videos, or other unwanted content, from the internet.

I have been accepted as a client under the fixed-fee scheme or other pre-agreed fee. No other fees will be due or payable unless additional work is requested or identified and agreed in writing.

Included in this agreement is one year of support from the date of instruction. In the very unlikely event that previously removed links reappear in search, PAL will make no further charges for removal submissions. No other sums will be payable unless additional, unrelated links, new content or publicity which post-dates this agreement, is identified and instructed under a new agreement.


If applicable, I will follow the legal requirements for disclosure of unspent criminal convictions, both before, and after, any successful removal of search engine links.

I agree that I will not disclose any of PAL’s documents, processes and legal arguments to any third parties and shall protect their proprietary information or trade secrets. I further agree that I shall not leave any review on any platform until and unless PAL confirm that they have finished working on my case.

I shall not hold PAL in any way responsible at any time for the presence, accessibility or consequences of adverse media created by third parties which names me, is about me or which identifies me.

I understand that the timeline for removal on damaging online content depends on numerous varying factors which are outside of PAL’s control, but that PAL will use their best endeavours and shall continue to act for me until all the content identified as damaging has been blocked from appearing in search results under my name, and that they will keep me informed throughout the process.

51 Bracken Road
Sandyford Business Park
Dublin 18
D18 CV48

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